Monday, July 17, 2006

It's been a long time, I shouldn't have left you...

I shouldn't think too much about this post, so I'll try to draw this out in a stream of consciousness.

I've been working alot and working harder at my job. I'll go ahead and say what I do: I head a storage facility up in Westchester. It's paid off in a major way in that my facility delivers the biggest bugdet and the highest occupancy among my district of 10 locations. I've also heard (but not regarded as solid fact) that my store, among 3, has been the highest grossing out of all 60-65 storage properties across the country. It's a modest company. we're not as big as storage deluxe, but we're getting there.

the whole deal about how well i'm doing at work and how much money i make people has me thinking about my future with the company. I see myself staying on for some time as I see the growth this company continues to undergo. If they let me grow along with it, then it's all good.

In other news: the other reason I haven't posted is because I wanted my next couple of entries to have video/audio. I want to do interviews - friends, family, whatever. I even set up the phone # to dial in my entries with those interviews. But I just haven't brought myself to do it. I'll try my best for this blog to bring it something by the end of this weekend. I have an idea. It'll probably end up short though... and ridiculously stupid due to the involvement of alcohol.


Blogger nessie said...

It is really difficult to cunduct interviews- I never realized it till I was knee deep! Though I am far from being a shy person I suddenly become so when it comes to asking people questions... Once I get rolling though there is no stopping me.

Tue Jul 18, 09:59:00 PM EST  

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